Great contribution to power saving! Glass developed in Singapore to block solar heat in summer and capture more in winter

Great contribution to power saving! Glass developed in Singapore to block solar heat in summer and capture more in winter


Energy efficiency will improve by 9.5%.

At the National University of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, glass was made that allows you to control the heat of the sun in summer and winter. Thanks to the multi-layer coating on the surface of the glass, it blocks the heat that falls in the room so that it does not get hot in the summer, and in the winter it takes in the room without bouncing back to warm it up.

Video: NTUsg / YouTube

Bounce near-infrared rays

The coating is sandwiched between layers of vanadium oxide, nanoparticle composites, acrylic resin, and Low-E metal film, eliminating the need for electronic components. In the summer, the near-infrared rays of the sun's heat are suppressed, and the long-wavelength infrared rays are radiatively cooled outward, and in the winter, the opposite effect occurs.

Researchers are looking to create more efficient coatings, hoping that they can help save energy around the world, for example by adopting them in building construction.

By the way, because I am teleworking by the window, it is very cold in winter and I put bubble wrap on the glass. If this glass were installed in my house, I'm sure it would be more comfortable in winter. It also saves electricity, so I hope it will spread all over the world as soon as possible.

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